By Rylee Wilson, staff writer
Despite getting rained out for the originally scheduled game, the senior class of 2017 defeated the juniors 14-0 at the rescheduled powderpuff football game on Oct. 13.
The beginning of the game was hectic and rushed. Players were missing in warm ups because of other sports and refs were found the day of.
Some seniors felt they didn’t need much practice because of their 2015 win against last year’s seniors. The juniors on the other hand took all the practice opportunities they could get.
“They weren’t ready but next year we will be more prepared,” said Ryan Topp ‘18 prior to the game.
At 7 pm the juniors kicked off. The seniors got a touchdown in the first possession. After that the aggression got out of hand.
Senior Holli Williams ‘17 was unfortunately out of the game in the first couple plays due to an injury.
“I hoped it wouldn’t be anything serious and the pain would go away in a few minutes. Since it was early in the game I hoped to be able to keep playing,” said Williams.
Williams was carried off the field, but continued to support the team for the rest of the game from the sideline.
Both teams used different strategies to attempt to win, but even with a plan some found the game to be hectic and chaotic.
“For how little time the juniors had and how unorganized it was it wasn’t terrible. They tried their best and that’s all they can do at that point,” said Matt Root ‘18.
“It was stressful and hectic because their were no flags and very unorganized with a lot of people not knowing what to do,” said Bree Colyer ‘18.
The seniors had an apparent advantage of winning the donation contest.
“I think we played well. It was an aggressive game and we played through it,” said Sophie Monroe ‘17.
“We kicked some major booty,” said Jalyn Tran ‘17.
“We came, we saw, we conquered,” said Carson Spratt ‘17.
With the seniors coming out with a win, it made the juniors regret doing some things and making them want to go back and

change it to get a different outcome.
“I wish we had one more practice to go over all of the basics again,” said Topp.
“Getting everyone on the same page and being on the same page as all the other coaches,” said Root.
Despite the struggles of the game there were a few players that stood out and helped the team get to where they were.
“Hannah Hawks, she was a good leader and pulled things together,” said Topp.
“Hannah Hawks and Bree Colyer,” said Root.
“Rylee, she caught an awesome catch and Sophie because she threw a great pass to her,” said Andrew Hunt ‘17.
“ I think the defensive players came out the strongest because the game resulted in a big ole goose egg for the juniors,” said Spratt.
Going into the game everyone was unsure on what the results were going to be.
After the game some were surprised by the score and others expected it.
“I had hope in the beginning to win but after the first touchdown for the seniors it all went down hill,” said Topp.
“Nothing went as expected. I thought the game would be way different,” said Root.
“It went how we expected it to. A lot of people didn’t know what to do,” said Brittany Molenaar ‘18.
“I thought we would win by more,” said Hunt.
“It went as I thought. I knew we would win,” said Spratt.
For the players, a victory means showing spirit and earning bragging rights for their grade.
“Winning powder puff gets you hype. For us to do it twice was even cooler,” said Monroe.
“It gave me a powder puff high,” said Tran.