“Wait they already had a senior prank this year?” said Cole Evans ‘16.
Class of 2015 fails.
Senior pranks are usually pulled off at the end of the senior year as a going away mark on the school, and in some cases have become something of a tradition. But that tradition aborted miserably this year; these kind of tricks are indeed hard to pull off successfully, but a little effort would have been nice.
Even the kids you would expect to jump on the senior prank ideas were still hesitant to do it.
“I can’t let my mama down. The one thing she wanted me to do is to walk at graduation,” said Seth Bevins ‘15.
Some students did make prank attempts
A few weeks ago, a few did try to leave their mark by decking out the senior hallways with toilet paper.
And then last friday a group of students filled Dr. Wrights office with balloons.
Many other kids had a lot of great plans that took too much effort to do. You have to be slick, foxy, and sharp to get the job done.
“I would have wheat pasted signs on the walls or said some weird stuff over the Blu Tv announcements,” said Bevins ‘15.
The seniors’ creative energy often takes the form of a senior prank. Not a senior felony. Not a senior crime. They’re supposed to do fun pranks as a way to say goodbye and give them a cool way to be remembered.
“We wanted to put instant mashed potatoes or blue dye in the swimming pool,” said Carter Leslie ‘15.
Doing something like this would have been a memorable way to leave PHS! However, it should be remembered that pranks should be taken at your own risk. Students could end up getting arrested in front of all their peers (which has been done). The student handbook states if the senior prank goes too far the students involved may not be able to walk at graduation.
“I just want to get the hell out of here,” said Leslie ‘15.
Some students have no motivation anymore to even put in any attempt into a killer prank. Senioritis has seemed to taken over the majority of class of 2015.
Or are they just a bunch of scaredy cats?
“Seniors are wimps,” said Ethan Macdonald ‘16.
As you can see, some underclassmen were upset that the seniors didn’t do a prank this year. Shoulda coulda woulda.
Perhaps the class of 2016 will show you how it’s done next year.