The Transition from Middle School to High School Amid Covid

Oceana Dos Santos, Levi "Tiny" Kalavitz

     Life changes in the blink of an eye. It feels like yesterday, the class of ‘25, when we were top dogs of the school. 8th grade was easy, but now we are at the bottom. Nowadays there is much more homework, less time for social life, and different teachers and students. This change in environment can be difficult.

     However, there are people you can relate to. Many freshmen students complain about the homework schedule. We asked freshman about their transition to high school, and many reached a common consensus.

     “I find high school homework easier, because the teachers give you more time to finish it in class,” said Marco Vega ‘25.  He also explained that middle school students have to do most, if not all of their homework at home. It is essential that there is extra time during school for homework because high school students can be very overwhelmed.

Next, we asked about the change of teachers. Students asserted that five out of six of their teachers were fantastic. 

     “The teachers are less strict than in the middle school,” said Vega. Most teachers seem to care about their students and their grades. Teachers in the high school should be caring and understanding while talking to and working with students.

Another change from middle school to high school is the fact that you are no longer “top dogs” of the school.

     “It doesn’t really bother me, because we have already gone through it all,” said Jordyn Miller ‘25. “We’re all the same when you think about it.” 

     She explained that as 6th graders in middle school, you are at the lowest on the “food chain” and it passed, just as it will now.  In the end, we are all students just learning, so it doesn’t seem to matter.

     Also, the upperclassmen of the high school seem to treat the freshmen well, which could contribute to the freshman not feeling uncomfortable.

     Moving on, the one thing that we all know, the transition from COVID learning to in-person learning can be a big adjustment. 

     “I find myself more on task most of the time while in person. You can’t goof off like you can when online.” said Vega.  

     He believes that online there are more resources to goof off with. For example, in-person you can’t get away with being on your phone. But online learning on the other hand, is very easy to misbehave in. For the majority of freshmen, in-person learning seems to be a much easier way to get your work finished.

     Overall, the responses we got were positive. While not all freshmen believe high school is going well, most do.