By Maya Pell
The first snow this year arrived last Saturday morning, November 21. Radio station 105.7 is playing non-stop holiday tunes, christmas lights are going up, and presents are starting to be purchased.
If you haven’t noticed already, it’s that time of year again to get into the holiday spirit! This year, instead of focusing so much on Black Friday and gifts, remember holidays are all about gathering with your loved ones. Cherish your family and friends and enjoy their company.
To join in more holiday cheer there will be a Plainwell celebration at 7 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 4. The celebration will be held at the ginormous tree soon-to-be lit up with colorful Christmas lights that you can’t seem to miss while driving through town, during the holiday seasons.
“When I remember going it was like a corny, small town thing. There were cookies and hot chocolate at the old fire station, a jazz family singing and dancing around the tree, and around 50 people gathered. We waited around the tree for it to be lit then we just went home, but others stayed and chatted,” said teacher Andrea Villarreal
Who doesn’t love a cute hometown tradition with hot cocoa? Mark your calendars for this fun, frosty event! Don’t forget to bundle up in your warm winter wear and bring your family, friends, and loved ones along!