Your favorite company may disagree with your political views
Should big companies openly take a side?
Do corporations with social media presence find ways to spread their political views through posts and captions?
February 12, 2020
What would you do if your favorite brand began aiding the campaign of your least favorite political candidate?
Companies like Chick-Fil-A and Amazon have allegedly been sending profits to numerous presidential campaigns.
Various organizations have been widely boycotted by anti-Trumpers. Sites like have taken it upon themselves to provide updates on all of the companies that are being boycotted at the moment.
Spending money at these companies might be considered the same as donating your money to the campaign it supports.
Internet-based organizations have been more inclined to send money to the Democratic party.
According to Facebook has sent over $80,000 to the Democratic party. However, this is a small sum compared to the $361,300 donated by Google (Money sent to candidates Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden was not included, as of July 30, 2019). Not to mention the funds sent from other companies such as Amazon, Apple, and Twitter.
Companies supporting the Trump campaign are more classically conservative. Chick-Fil-A and Hobby Lobby are just some of the openly Republican companies aiding the Trump campaign.
On the other hand, many companies have been shutting down rumors of their political preference. During August 2019 a list was released on Twitter making faulty claims about Bang, In-n-Out, Taco Bell, Olive Garden, Pizza Hut and several other companies.
The California college student led their audience to believe that these companies were in support of Trump’s reelection. The tweet prompted multiple disclaimers from the accused companies.
But this was not the first occasion flawed rumors were spread. So how did the baseless tweet come to be? One reason is political action committees. Although these companies are not sending funds directly to the candidates, the PACs they finance are. Another reason could be misconstrued announcements paired with misconceptions about the company’s management.
Home Depot began to distance itself from former co-founder Bernie Marcus after he announced he would be making donations to Trump’s reelection.
Days later Home Depot spokeswoman, Margaret Smith, made a statement to National Public Radio claiming that “Marcus retired more than a decade ago and is not speaking on behalf of the company…The company does not endorse presidential candidates.” Despite the claim, boycotts of the home improvement company were still called into action.
According to CBS News, Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have raised a combined total of $49.9 million in the third quarter.
Donald Trump and the Republican National Committee have blown all other candidates out of the water, with a donation sum of $125 million since that quarter’s beginning.
If you’re wondering if your favorite company lines up with your political views, here’s an example of how some major corporations fall on the political spectrum.
Democrats | Republicans |
Soul Cycle | |
Apple | Hobby Lobby |
Microsoft | LL Bean |
Walmart | |
Amazon | CVS |
Marvel |