By Catherine Lemus ’16 Staff Writer
Picture this, a warm new year’s morning in Pasadena, CA, the sweet smell of flowers fills the city as the sound of the parade approaches. A large mass of red, white, and blue marches in time and the crowd cheers. For most, just witnessing this scene would be a dream come true, but for Cailla Moss ‘17, her dream will become a reality.
As Drum Major of our PHS marching band 2016 season, Cailla already has been expecting a packed summer. However, her summer had gotten a little more exciting when she found out that she will be a member of the Honors Band of America (HBOA) this coming year.
The HBOA is an auditioned band with members participating in the Pasadena Parade in Pasadena CA as well as performing in Disneyland. When the students travel to California, most meet for the first time. This will be the only opportunity to rehearse together before these major shows.
Moss submitted a video audition of scales, list of musical achievements, and some hard copy paper applications to be eligible for a spot in this prestigious marching band. After anxiously waiting for two months, she received an email saying that she made it.
“I was so excited,” Moss said with a smile, “I told everybody!”
To be selected is quite the honor. All high school band students are encouraged to audition but only 300 are chosen to be a part of the Honors Band of America. That number means, on average, only 6 kids from each of 50 states are accepted.
“I think it is really big deal (to be accepted) because I had to audition with other people across the country,” Moss stated.
Coming from Plainwell’s marching band of 88, Moss is confident that she can easily adjust to the difference in size.
“We have done marching with Western when we go to Bronco’s Band Day and there are about 500 high school students and 300 Western Band members and we all just march in a huge parade. The size doesn’t affect the marching,” Moss said.
One significant difference from her past marching band season will be the fact that she will actually be marching. As one of three Drum Majors this past season, Moss had to work much more on her leadership and conducting skills than stepping in time. This is a skill that she will continue fine tuning when she is Plainwell’s Head Drum Major for the 2016 season.
When auditioning for HBOA, she used her baritone saxophone, but once she gets to the training days this fall, that will not be her main focus. With her previous experience as a Drum Major, Moss is hoping to be one of four Drum Majors to lead the band through the Pasadena PArade along with HBOA’s other events.
In order to audition for this prestigious spot, Moss must go to Drum Major camp and show great skills in leadership, conducting, and showmanship. Two Drum Majors will be chosen at the end of the camp and two more will be selected once the entire band gets to California to start rehearsing for performances.
Although she will have these extra rehearsals, Moss is ready to give both of her bands the attention that they need.
So if you are watching the Pasadena Parade this winter, be sure to check out the folks in red, white, and blue, you may catch a glimpse of one of Plainwell’s very own.